Hi, I'm Viktor
A front-end developer from Toronto, originally Almaty. During the day Software Engineer at Capgemini Engineering. During the night, trying to make this website the perfect personal place for public learning. The idea is to build a digital garden and a blog. Work in progress.
How I got here
I wasn't always as happy and as determined with my career path.
When I graduated college in 2015 I struggled to find a developer job. Soon after, I run out of money and had to get any job. I felt defeated and stopped writing code.
I went like that till 2017 when having a job stopped being enough. I wanted a career. The question was, what career? The program I attended in college was very broad. Besides programming, I was introduced to 3D modeling, video editing, design and even print design. I tried treating all of them of work, and they were as boring as they were back in the college. Nothing could compare to programming.
I had to become a developer at any cost. I got back up to speed with JavaScript (by reading YDKJS book series and completing FCC front-end path) and was hired by local e-commerce startup in 2018 where I worked for 2 years.
There, I was a sole developer responsible for all customer facing websites. To help me manage it, I developed a Node.js build system that enabled to share core functionality, improved performance and enabled A/B testing. I also developed a Vue.js components library that dramatically shortened website design to deployment cycle.
Now is an exciting time in my life. I'm not a junior developer anymore. I'm confident in my developer skills and eager to take my engineering skills to the next level! Senior, here I come… in like a couple years of hard work ;)